Activity and Sticker Book

Prince of Wales Northern
Heritage Centre

I drew bright and lively illustrations on every page. The book maintained a clear visual hierarchy of information. It had a messy and fun feel while remaining easy to read and navigate. It contained stickers of archival objects and animals from the Northwest Territories that could be used throughout the book. The final product included activities for each gallery as well as one for the NWT Archives. 

I received positive feedback from staff. Only a few copies were left after the event, indicating its popularity, and staff reported that stickers were found throughout the museum, evidence that kids were using the book to interact with the exhibits.

The museum was celebrating its fortieth anniversary during a public event. They wanted an activity book that encouraged kids to explore the museum. My goal was to create a book that was fun, colourful, and most importantly, interesting to kids.

I worked closely with heritage education staff to understand the messaging and create imagery that was relatable to children. For example, the first activity bridged everyday things kids use now with those of the past. It also contained activities that encouraged kids to participate by sharing their own perspectives by drawing and writing. 


Life’s Like That